The i3 ONE Point-of-Care disposable tap water filter with dual membrane layers is validated for the retention of bacteria in accordance with ASTM F838 standard for sterilizing grade membrane filters. The membrane retains bacteria, protozoa, fungi and particles larger than 0.2 µm. It is used in medical settings, e.g., NICUs or on oncological, transplant, burns and intensive care units to reduce the incidence of infection caused by waterborne pathogens.
These pathogens may include Legionella pneumophila, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other gram-negative species. i3 ONE, a class II medical device, has an engineered design with a prefilter layer over a 0.6 µm layer which collectively protect the vital sterilizing grade 0.2 µm membrane to give prolonged onstream life. The outlet of the filter can be directed away from the drain hole to offset the risk of biofilm aerosolization and splash reduction.
Intended use and areas of application
The intended use of the i3 ONE water filter is to filter EPA quality drinking water. It retains bacteria, which may aid in infection control. The filters produce water that is appropriate for washing and drinking, superficial wound cleansing (minor cuts, scrapes and abrasions), cleaning of equipment used in medical procedures and washing of hands. The water filters are not intended to provide water that can be used as a substitute for USP grade sterile water.