
Company name

i3 Membrane GmbH

Address headquarter

Christop-Seydel-Straße 1
DE - 01454 Radeberg

Address branch office / invoice addres

Theodorstraße 41P
DE - 22761 Hamburg


Phone: +49 40 2576748-0
Fax:+49 40 2576748-48

CEO: Dr. Stephan Brinke-Seiferth

Commercial Register: HRB 32291 Dresden (Germany)

Sales tax identification number: DE289288850

Editorially responsible: Dr. Stephan Brinke-Seiferth

External data protection officer: Moritz Pollmer, pollmer siemers GmbH
Privacy Policy

© i3 Membrane all rights reserved


This website contains links to other websites. When you use one of these links, you leave the i3 Membrane GmbH website. Please remember that sites accessed via such links may have other privacy policies than our website. We do not bear any responsibility for the content of such sites.


This website is a free service for all visitors and merely serves as an overview of our range of products and services and as a possibility for ordering by our registered customers. Even if we make every effort to design the use of this website to be as smooth as possible, we do not accept any liability for any direct or indirect damage including random and consequential damage, lost profits or other losses, or any associated legal costs and ancillary costs incurred by accessing, using or the non-availability of this website or any website linked to this one, or any goods, services or information shown on these sites, regardless of whether they are based on guarantees, contracts, unauthorized action or any other legal basis. Access to and all use of this website and sites to which it is linked is at the user's own risk. You will be made liable for any damages and costs incurred by i3 Membrane GmbH owing to legal steps ensuing from your visit to this website.

Copyright and trademark

This website and the information contained therein serve information purposes only. Any reproduction, distribution or other use thereof is strictly prohibited. All trademarks, service marks and logos depicted on this website are registered and non-registered trademarks owned by i3 Membrane GmbH or other third parties. None of the content may be interpreted in such a way that it grants rights to such trademarks and any use thereof is strictly prohibited.

Dispute resolution

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS): Please find our email in the impressum/legal notice. We do not take part in online dispute resolutions at consumer arbitration boards.

Concept, design and implementation

Agency for digital marketing
Bürgermeister-Fink-Straße 4
D-30169 Hannover

Picture credits

iStockPhoto: ©skynesher; ©gorodenkoff; ©Nanostokk
shutterstock: ©Kateryna Kon; ©Christian Delbert; ©Julia-art; ©Yevgenij_D; ©Jacob Lund; ©BrunoWeltmann
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Background Texture

Any questions? We’re happy to help.

Simply send us a message or give us your contact details. Our experts will get in touch with you to answer your questions.

Christoph-Seydel-Straße 1
01454 Radeberg
Branch/ Billing address
Theodorstraße 41P
22761 Hamburg